Plants and animals
System Natural environment Goal Calgary is rich with intact ecosystems. We protect and restore our natural heritage, valuing native biodiversity as the foundation of life. Our built environment is integrated into and respects the natural environment we inhabit.
By 2036, the number and/or size of protected or restored habitats increases to a state of health and functionality.
Ensure no viable wetlands are lost, which integrates ecological services into infrastructure and increases natural areas.
• Protect aquatic systems to support all species.
• Restore wetlands to re-establish native ecosystems.
Integrate the planning and management of all natural and man-made public areas and facilities.
• Establish and implement a standard that requires there to be a public recreational facility for all ages within a very short walking distance from all residential buildings.
• Ensure public transit provides access to places like Nose Hill. • Provide the public with recreational and creative opportunities, so that people can have easy access to their natural (and man-made) surroundings: schools, libraries, performance spaces, and parks.
Use the rural urban fringe to create new, exciting, living landscapes, ranging from working farms, to historic sites, to cultural centres.
• Provide opportunities to regenerate land and develop communities using the best available knowledge in building and landscape design and management, sustainable transportation and renewable energy.
Improve habitat health and resilience.
• Value biodiversity and ecosystem services the same as other economic commodities; place a monitory value on ecological goods and services.
• Secure land in environmentally sensitive areas through partnerships and other legal vehicles like land trusts and conservation easements. • Promote biodiversity through the use of indigenous plants in local parks and for decorative purposes.
• Establish riparian corridors with setbacks (e.g.100 metres for floodplain protection).
• Encourage and promote the sale of native plant species at nurseries.
i m a g i n e C A L G A R Y — J u n e 2 0 0 6
Copyright © 2006, The City of Calgary. All rights reserved.
City Of Kamloops, Kamloops, BC. Attention Mayor, Council,& Park& Recreation Board.As a frequent vistor to your great city where I have family and friends.In the past I have witnessed many parents with their childern using the area 697 Cowan St. for many activities. The neigbourhood has used this area to play road hockey, ride their bikes, tennis and play ball. My children and grand children frequent this green space for the love of sport and to exercise. I'm writing this letter in opposition to the amendment to change this valualable open space to urban sprawl. In most cities and towns council promotes and encourges an active life style for all ages. My request to the Mayor & City Council is to reverse this plan for all the citzens of Kamloops. Raymond Lowenberg, Lloydminster, AB.